Can I Make Your Garden Grow?

Led Zeppelin had some whacked up lines, but I’ve often wondered about these from “The Houses of the Holy”:
Can I take ya take ya to the movies?
Can I take ya maybe to the show?
Will you let me be yours every truly?
Can I make your garden grow?

We must consider the source, to wit: Robert “I stuff bananas down my pants and run around with my shirt open and my hair flowin like Jesus'” Plant and Jimmie “did he or didn’t he sell his soul in exchange for rock and roll stardom?” Page.  I would hazard a guess that in these lyrics they mean something to do with sex, but I’ve been wrong before.  (I should mention that I am a HUGE Led Zep fan and say these words with the utmost love).

But speaking of growing, my garden is growing! I planted some spinach and kale back in March and my little plants are ready to eat.  I planted “succession crops” a couple of weeks ago, so I will hopefully get another crop of spinach (and some lettuce) shortly.  The first batch bolted this past week so I had to pull it up.

See the blank space to the right of the kale? That’s where the spinach was. I just planted new seeds today!  You will also see celery plants along the front and broccoli plants behind them.  There are some cucumber plants lurking in there and I’m sure you see the giant ass rhubarb.

Since February, I’ve been growing tomato and pepper plants indoors. This is my first attempt at starting plants from seed, so we’ll see how it goes.  They seemed to enjoy their homes, on the warm plant pad and the bright overhead light, but I won’t know how they really felt about me until we see if they make it. They are really small so I’m not hopeful….

Shit. You can hardly even see them 😦

The biggest change to my gardens was the rototillization (sp?) of my front lawn.  I hate lawns.  Hate.Lawns.  Where I grew up, your lawn had to be perfect or else you’d get…well, I don’t now what you’d get because everybody’s lawn was always perfect.  Jeff & I don’t have as much lawn as I did growing up, but we still have enough.  I decided that I’d had “enough” (see what I did there? Genius!) and talked Jeff into letting me rototille the shit out of the lawn and plant stuff.

Except that OOPS! Apparently, you can’t rototill lawn so I had the pleasure of digging it out by hand.  Thank God my friend Jeannette helped and Jeff helped but much of the lawn was dug out by hand (or rather, by foot) by me.

The potatoes are up in most of the hills!!!

My other bed has bush beans, sugar beets and golden beets.  I threw some parsnip seeds in too.

The bush beans are along the right hand side there.  The beets are up but hard to see.

Here are my cabbage plants–some plants and some from seed…you can hardly tell the difference between the ones I planted from seeds and the ones from plants! There are also some pumpkin plants, watermelon plants and my big experiment–peanut plants!  I had three but the fuckin squirrels of course dug one up to snack on. God I hate those bastards.

Here is my herb/fruit bed:

I had a lovely strawberry growing but guess who had a snack again? To the right are the raspberry bushes, near the pinwheel are my tarragon and chive plants.  The oregano is in the back.  The pots have basil and dill.  You can also see my cute little bunny statue!

I would be remiss if I did not share with you the hops:

Tilt your head and you can see it just fine!

Published in: on June 6, 2010 at 3:57 pm  Comments (10)  

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10 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Yay for edible yards! :^) Cute bunny indeed – does it scare away the real rabbits?

    Tomatoes and peppers are supposed to do well with black plastic ‘mulch’ – it helps heat up the soil, which they like. You have to poke holes in the plastic, though, so water can get through.

  2. I wanted to get the chocolate mulch but then I read that the dog would eat it and kill himself. Then I remembered that I really don’t like chocolate anyway. 🙂

    • I remember a year when they used cocoa bean (cocoa shells? something like that) mulch in the planters along South University. It smelled great for a bit – but then it started smelling horrible awful. I don’t know if that’s because of all the students that hang out around there (who KNOWS what they do to mulch after midnight – or after the bars close!) or if it’s a normal stage in cocoa bean mulch. But based on that, I will likely avoid it from here on out!

      • Funny you should say that…my neighbor told me that she had the same experience when she used them in her garden!

  3. It looks great! I hate f-ing squirrels. When I was a kid I grew the most beautiful little watermelon in my sandbox and just before it was ripe enough to pick a squirrel took a huge bite out of it.

    • Speaking of which…I saw a chipmunk munching on one of my strawberries today…grrrrr……

  4. Wow, I feel so lazy! Everything looks great.

    I would love to do the same, but know that our one dog, Bruiser would pee all over everything when he got the chance. Well, save for any weeds!

  5. I’m working on the lawn-less lawn but Hubby isn’t entirely onboard. It will need to be done gradually and stealthily methinks.

  6. We drove by your house on Saturday (just to spy! not really) and your front garden is looking great from the road!

    • Oh thank you!! Stop by anytime 🙂

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